If You Could Vote in America…

Matt Penneycard
2 min readOct 18, 2016

Fascinated (sickened?) though we all are by the dark sitcom that is the US Presidential election, as a non US citizen, who would you vote for if you could?

Let’s set aside the two polarizing candidates for a second. How would you choose between the GOP (Republican) and the Democrats? Until a couple of years ago I lived in the US, and this question always had me completely baffled. I’ll keep it simple, and personal. I believe strongly in progressive, non-punitive taxation. I think we should all be highly motivated to work hard and do well. I’m a fiscal Conservative. I also think that large, federated government is tricky for geographically and culturally diverse areas. I’m Republican voter right?

Nope. I’m socially highly liberal. I believe passionately in equality, gay marriage and rights to have abortions. So, I must be a Democrat right?

Wrong again.

Turns out I, like many of you, have a set of political views that don’t fit into the R v D choice. I found it amazing to hear impassioned pleas from D and R friends of mine who always seemed to be supporting a sports team as opposed to making a considered political choice. The American political system is bi-partisan. You only (really) get a choice of A or B, Republican or Democratic. And then, you’re all in on that side of the lobby. Believe in the right to bear arms? You’re a Republican voter including all that entails. Think that your sister should be allowed to marry her girlfriend? Cool, you’re (D) all the way.

Whatever you think of Trump or Clinton, I think the completely polarized, two-party system in America is bonkers. You might agree or disagree with my own Libertarian positions, but how can such a powerful country present such a flawed, restrictive choice to its citizens?

So, go on, which party would you vote for?

